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          By Peter Brimelow on 07/16/2023

          MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead—BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES Moves Forward

          Please give to Legal Defense Fund here—earmark your gift to our New York Times litigation! See also: The Sin Of SULLIVAN: Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing For Libel It’s been j...

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          Letter By Reader on 08/03/2023
          如何提高访问国外网站、从国外服务器下载东西的速度?:2021-5-8 · 访问国外网站、从国外网站下载东西很慢啊。怎么办?我不是指被屏蔽的网站或服务器,我是指可伍正常访问、但速度很慢的网站或服务器。同样网络情况下,访问国内网站、从国内服务器上下载要快得多,而访问国外网站、从国外服务器下载则慢得多。

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          Article By Washington Watcher II on 08/03/2023

          GOP lawmakers did a better job of grilling the Titans of Big Tech on their anti-conservative censorship, alliance with the radical Left, and far-reaching power to control information at the House hearing last week [Republicans and Democrats Find a Point of Agreement: Big Tech Is Too Powerful, by Christopher Mims, The Wall Street Journal, July 29, 2023]. But despite the improvement over the old, tech-worshipping GOP, nothing is actually being done about the problem for two reasons: Democrats are on the other side, and Conservatism, Inc., is fully committed to libertarian “no government intervention” dogma--partly because of Big Tech. donations. Only Donald Trump’s winning on November 3 offers any hope of permanent change.

          The Big Four were Apple’s Tim Cook, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. “Big Tech is out to get conservatives,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan began. “That’s not a hunch, that’s not a suspicion, that’s a fact.” Jordan zinged Google for suppressing conservative sites and videos, bashed Amazon for banning conservative books, and spanked all of the tech giants for cuddling up to China.

          Florida Rep. Greg Steube asked Pichai why Google hid conservative websites and videos. The Indian-immigrant Google exec burbled a vague answer [Republicans Use Tech Antitrust Hearing To Rail Against ‘Anti-Conservative Bias’, by Rachel Sandler, Forbes, July 29, 2023].

          But Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz was the star of the show. Why, he asked, does Google provide key technology to the Chinese military when it 访问国外网站下载文件to aid our own [Gaetz hammers Google for support of Chinese military despite 'ethical concerns' over helping US forces, by Caitlin McFall, Fox News, July 29, 2023]. Gaetz grilled Bezos about hiring the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center to decide which nonprofits that receive money via Amazon’s Smile donation program (e.g提升浏览国外网页速度). “I’m just wondering why you would place your confidence in a group that seems to be so out of step and seems to take mainstream Christian doctrine and label it as hate?” he asked.


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          Post By Steve Sailer on 08/03/2023
          Earlier: Should Eric Holder be Indicted for Ferguson Cover-Up? Here it is August and Keith Ellison’s Minnesota office was still keeping the bodycam footage from the cops bottled up. But now the Daily Mail has got their hands on some of it. The amount of fentanyl in George Floyd’s system wasn’t enough to always kill him, but it was definitely in the range where it sometimes can cause users to stop ...

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          Post By James Fulford on 08/03/2023
          GitHub免费搭建个人网站 - 简书:点击choose your files选择文件上传,最后绿色按钮提交(注:上传的文件为你的网站文件,默认访问index.html文件所伍你的网站首页一定要是index.html,css、js、img文件同html文件一同拖拽进去即可,网速慢的话上传速度较慢请耐心等待,上传失败请重新上传) ...

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          Article By Patrick J. Buchanan on 08/03/2023

          通过RobotApps网站下载ABB资源-ABB机器人-技术文章 ...:2021-2-21 · 0 2 在RobotStudio中安装下载的插件 网站上的其它资源的下载方式也是一样的。下载的库文件可伍直接使用,如下图的机床库文件。0 3 VPN设置 从网站上正常下载资源需要电脑能正常访问外国网站才可伍,如果受网络环境影响不能正常访问,将无法正常下载

          This was the nightmare of Ben Franklin.

          Yet, with passage this spring of a $4 trillion bailout of an economy facing historic losses because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Nancy Pelosi's House having voted out another $3 trillion, we may have reached Franklin's peril point.

          Indeed, if Democrats capture the Senate and win the White House, as many polls now project, it is not easy to see who or what prevents an uncontrolled explosion of fresh spending and a concomitant expansion of federal power.

          Consider. In his eulogy to John Lewis at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Barack Obama called on Democrats, if victorious in November, to kill the Senate filibuster, all but calling the filibuster an instrument of systemic racism.


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          Post By James Fulford on 08/03/2023
          Earlier: The Fulford File: In KILL BILL, White Rednecks Raped A Comatose Woman. In Real Life, All Known Offenders Against Comatose Women Are Black The BBC headlined this story about a Nigerian hospital rapist in Ireland:  "Emmanuel Adeniji: Irish nursing home worker jailed for raping patient" [July 30, 2023]. (Hospital rapist is our term for male nurses who rape elderly, disabled, or even comatose ...

          Trump And Biden Net Favorability Ratings By Age, Race, Sex And Education: Trump Viewed More Favorably By Whites Young And Old

          Post By Audacious Epigone on 08/03/2023
          whmcs7.9.2官方原版及开心版完美破解文件下载 | 搜涯博客 ...:今天 · whmcs7.9.2官方原版及开心版完美破解文件下载 发布时间:2021-06-18 13:11:49 作者:wangshenghua 阅读量:4 WHMCS是一套国外流行的域名主机管理软件,跟国内众所周知的IDCSystem一样,主要在用户管理、财务管理、域名接口、服务器管理面板接口等方面设计的非常人性化。

          Minneapolis Police Department Tells Citizens: "Despite All Our Efforts, Robberies May Still Occur! Do Not Argue or Fight with the Criminal. Do as They Say. Your Safety Is Most Important!"

          Post By Paul Kersey on 08/03/2023
          教你vps搭建伋理访问国外网站.zip百度网盘下载-资源下载 ...:2021-7-15 · 相关说明: 教你vps搭建伋理访问国外网站.zip为百度云搜索资源搜索整理的结果,为方便用户您可伍直接在本站下载文件,下载地址为百度网盘的直接下载地址,可高速下载,当然您也可伍把文件保存到您的百度网盘中。

          Mexico Now #3 in the World in Coronavirus Deaths

          Post By Allan Wall on 08/03/2023
          COVID-19 got to Mexico about a month after arriving to the United States, so it got off to a later start there.  Back in March, I reported a leak from the Mexican Cabinet of a prediction made in the early stages of the virus in Mexico.  Coronavirus Point Man Dr. Hugo Lopez-Gatell's team predicted that  a maximum of 2,000 Mexicans would die of COVID-19.  They thought that the racial mixture of Europ...

          Hartford "Sovereign Citizen" Jerry Thompson Is Black Man Who Decapitated White Landlord—Inspired By BLM?

          Post By James Fulford on 08/03/2023
          When you hear that a "sovereign citizen" named Jerry Thompson has committed a crime and is planning a pro se defense, you might expect him to look like this: That would be wrong—that's Victor King, the white victim of Jerry Thompson, who decapitated his landlord in an argument over rent. Jerry Thompson looks like this: From the CNN story A Connecticut man decapitated his landlord with a sword af...
          "Social Distancing with John Derbyshire" An Interview with Michelle Malkin
          MORE VIDEOS...
          VDARE RADIO
          VDARE Radio: California, Rat Infested Tunnel Edition
          MORE SHOWS...
          RADIO DERB
          Radio Derb: The War on the Suburbs, Election Prospects, Barr Testifies, and Herman Cain RIP, Etc
          MORE SHOWS...
          TODAY'S LETTER
          网速测试,测网速,网速检测,网站速度测试—卡卡网 www ...:2021-6-12 · 国内最专业最权威的在线网速测试及网站速度检测网站,遍及国内各省和国外的几十个网速测试及网站速度检测点,包括电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带、教育网等线路,即时测试本地的网络速度,测试网站在全国各地和海外的打开速度。
          MORE LETTERS...

          ssr 购买

          By Peter Brimelow on 07/16/2023

          MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead—BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES Moves Forward

          Please give to Legal Defense Fund here—earmark your gift to our New York Times litigation! See also: The Sin Of SULLIVAN: Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing For Libel It’s been j...

          ssr 购买

          GOP Finally Recognizing Tech Censorship Problem—But Still Far From Acting

          By Washington Watcher II on 08/03/2023

          GOP lawmakers did a better job of grilling the Titans of Big Tech on their anti-conservative censorship, alliance with the radical Left, and far-reaching power to control information at the House hearing last week [求助一个olex软件的最新版本的安装包,在olex网站上下载不 ...:2021-8-20 · 那你还是直接下载文件包的 ,那个百度网盘,楼下回答不正确,应该是该网站被屏蔽了,目前国内无法访问,通过国外 伋理还是可伍访问的 放飞梦想999 引用回帖: 6楼: Originally posted by 沸石先生 at 2021-08-20 21:10:48 那你还是直接下载文件包的 ,那个 ..., by Christopher Mims, 国外网站下载速度慢, July 29, 2023]. But despite the improvement over the old, tech-worshipping GOP, nothing is actually being done about the problem for two reasons: Democrats are on the other side, and Conservatism, Inc., is fully committed to libertarian “no government intervention” dogma--partly because of Big Tech. donations. Only Donald Trump’s winning on November 3 offers any hope of permanent change.

          The Big Four were Apple’s Tim Cook, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. “Big Tech is out to get conservatives,” Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan began. “That’s not a hunch, that’s not a suspicion, that’s a fact.” Jordan zinged Google for suppressing conservative sites and videos, bashed Amazon for banning conservative books, and spanked all of the tech giants for cuddling up to China.

          Florida Rep. Greg Steube asked Pichai why Google hid conservative websites and videos. The Indian-immigrant Google exec burbled a vague answer [Republicans Use Tech Antitrust Hearing To Rail Against ‘Anti-Conservative Bias’, by Rachel Sandler, Forbes, July 29, 2023].

          But Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz was the star of the show. Why, he asked, does Google provide key technology to the Chinese military when it refuses to aid our own [Gaetz hammers Google for support of Chinese military despite 'ethical concerns' over helping US forces, by Caitlin McFall, Fox News, July 29, 2023]. Gaetz grilled Bezos about hiring the leftist 提升浏览国外网页速度 to decide which nonprofits that receive money via Amazon’s Smile donation program (e.g. is banned). “I’m just wondering why you would place your confidence in a group that seems to be so out of step and seems to take mainstream Christian doctrine and 提升浏览国外网页速度?” he asked.


          Patrick J. Buchanan: As the Filibuster Goes, So Goes the GOP

          By Patrick J. Buchanan on 08/03/2023


          "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

          This was the nightmare of Ben Franklin.

          Yet, with passage this spring of a $4 trillion bailout of an economy facing historic losses because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Nancy Pelosi's House having voted out another $3 trillion, we may have reached Franklin's peril point.

          Indeed, if Democrats capture the Senate and win the White House, as many polls now project, it is not easy to see who or what prevents an uncontrolled explosion of fresh spending and a concomitant expansion of federal power.

          Consider. In his eulogy to John Lewis at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Barack Obama called on Democrats, if victorious in November, to kill the Senate filibuster, all but calling the filibuster an instrument of systemic racism.



          By 访问国外网站下载文件 on 08/02/2023

          [Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through]

          Earlier: Trump's Defense Of The Suburbs Against Obama-Legacy Social Engineering Is TERRIFYING To Democrat-MSM Complex

          [Clip:  Pete Seeger, "Little Boxes."]

          Little boxes on the hillside
          Little boxes made of ticky tacky
          Little boxes
          Little boxes
          Little boxes all the same
          There's a green one and a pink one
          And a blue one and a yellow one
          And they're all made out of ticky tacky
          无需翻墙极速访问国外网站浏览器_文学社区:2021-6-8 · 无需翻墙极速访问国外网站进入软件后浏览器会自动分配一个国 ip给你,你就可伍直接访问国外网站了,网速也是非常快,看视频很流畅。日志永远不会存储用户的保护和安全。– 加密使用SSL协议的数据。– 不阻止Netflix公司,YouTube上,Instagram的,Snapchat,推特,脸谱,Viber的,Skype和WhatsApp的,微信 ...

          That was old-style Lefty Pete Seeger mocking the suburbs back in 1963. The suburbs, according to the songwriter (Malvina Reynolds, another old-style Lefty), were just breeding farms for the bourgeoisie, a wasteland of conformist middle-class values: doctors, lawyers, golfers, and—oh my God!—nuclear families, who drank their 怎样才能浏览国外网址dry and sent their kids to summer camp.

          Pete's recording of the song was a big hit. There was a market for mocking the suburbs in the sixties: not just songs, but movies like The Graduate and novels like those of Updike and Cheever. The Boomers were looking for something more exciting, more spiritual, more life-affirming that the routine drudgery of middle-class life.

          This being America, there was of course a race element to anti-suburbanism. The people in those little boxes Pete Seeger was sneering at were far too white; everyone understood that.


          DERB'S JULY DIARY: Law-enforcement Algorithms, The Knot Of Ethnomasochism, And Yet It Moves, Etc [10 ITEMS!]

          By John Derbyshire on 08/01/2023

          Notes from underground.     Well, from the lockdown. I hope readers are bearing up OK under confinement.

          The Derbs are keeping busy. Paid employment aside, she has her beloved flowers and innumerable contacts on WeChat, the ChiCom messaging app. I have home-improvement chores: this month, stripping out and rebuilding a bathroom closet for maximum 提升浏览国外网页速度 shelving—nearly 28 square feet of shelf in a closet 3′×2′4″×8′. This was the last interior space still untouched since we bought the house in 1992. It takes me a while to get round to things …

          Husband and wife also collaborated on translating a Chinese poem: See Segment Four below.

          And then of course there's been reading.


          Supernaturally smart.     Through the middle days of July I read Cheryl Misak's biography of the English mathematician, logician, philosopher, and economist Frank Ramsey. It's an astonishing story. Ramsey must have been one of the smartest people that ever lived. He was staggeringly, breathtakingly, supernaturally smart.

          Here he was translating Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, which Misak, Google Hosts 文件自动更新工具1.9.8绿色版 - 下载吧软件站 ...:2021-7-9 · 相信很多朋友都会面临访问google等国外网站不稳定的问题,这些问题通过修改本机hosts文件即可解决。但是Google Hosts一直在更新,需要不断地查找可用的Google Hosts文件是件麻烦事。huhamhire-hosts自动下载更新可用的Google hosts文件,轻松访问谷歌!使用方法:1.切换服务器,确保连接为绿色“正常”。2 ..., describes correctly—I've tried it—as "immensely difficult."

          Ramsey went to Miss Pate's secretarial agency in the winter of 1921-22 and translated the manuscript. He read it off an Annalen offprint to a shorthand writer who then typed it up … It is hard to adequately convey how astounding an accomplishment it was to more or less straight away translate this immensely difficult text from the German to English. Ramsey turned nineteen in the middle of the translation, in January 1922.

          Those last italics are mine. Wittgenstein, who could read English, went over the translation carefully and was pleased with it. He and Ramsey became friends, to the degree it was possible for anyone to be friends with the pathologically prickly Wittgenstein.

          For a few months in 1927-28, encouraged by 怎样才能浏览国外网址, another friend, Ramsey concentrated his thoughts on economics, producing two scholarly papers on that subject. Misak tells us that:

          When the 国外网站下载速度慢 celebrated its 125th anniversary with a special edition in 2015, both of Ramsey's papers were included. That is, looking back over a century and a quarter, one of the world's best journals of economics decided that two of its thirteen most important papers were written by Frank Ramsey when he was twenty-five years old.

          My italics again.

          Having then had his fill of economics, Ramsey turned back to math and founded Ramsey Theory, which concerns the occurrence of order in situations of generalized dis-order. This is still an active field of inquiry, with obvious connections to Artificial Intelligence research.

          So why isn't this tremendous genius world-famous? Because, as you know if you clicked those links, he died at age 26—January 19th, 1930—from an infection of the liver.

          Should you ever be tempted to think of yourself as smart, Cheryl Misak's book is a wonderful corrective, a real humility check. Recall what you were capable of intellectually at ages 19 or 25. By comparison with the Frank Ramseys of the world, the rest of us are stumbling, mumbling dullards.

          Ramsey was no 提升浏览国外网页速度 introvert, either. Big-built and active—swimming, hiking, tennis—he was also genial and gregarious, the far opposite of Wittgenstein. (Whose nephew Tommy described Ramsey as "the most natural, good-natured, kind-hearted person you could imagine.") He had a successful—although, by mutual agreement, "open"—marriage and was a loving father to two children, with sex affairs along the way.

          无需翻墙极速访问国外网站浏览器_文学社区:2021-6-8 · 无需翻墙极速访问国外网站进入软件后浏览器会自动分配一个国 ip给你,你就可伍直接访问国外网站了,网速也是非常快,看视频很流畅。日志永远不会存储用户的保护和安全。– 加密使用SSL协议的数据。– 不阻止Netflix公司,YouTube上,Instagram的,Snapchat,推特,脸谱,Viber的,Skype和WhatsApp的,微信 ...



          通过RobotApps网站下载ABB资源-ABB机器人-技术文章 ...:2021-2-21 · 0 2 在RobotStudio中安装下载的插件 网站上的其它资源的下载方式也是一样的。下载的库文件可伍直接使用,如下图的机床库文件。0 3 VPN设置 从网站上正常下载资源需要电脑能正常访问外国网站才可伍,如果受网络环境影响不能正常访问,将无法正常下载

          By 访问国外网站下载文件 on 07/31/2023

          Above, SBC President J.D. Greear [Tweet him] explained the right way to love Black Lives Matter

          Earlier: MEMO FROM MIDDLE AMERICA: Woke Southern Baptist Bureaucrats Move To Crush Local Church Rebels. Rebels Fight Back.

          As an evangelical Christian I respect my Southern Baptist brothers and sisters in Christ and the good work they do. I hate to see them led astray, above all by their own treacherous leadership. My advice: Free your local church from the Wokeness that has infected the Southern Baptist Convention: secede!—as your forefathers did; and as many 为什么网站加载慢,如何加快站点访问速度 - 知乎:2021-10-4 · 为什么网站有时候打开很慢?无论是站长还是伋业,都会遇到打开站点很慢的时候。为什么网站加载速度会变慢,如何加快网站速度? 网站加载速度慢的原因 1、服务器不稳定速度慢:网站服务器的速度直接影响网站的速度….

          The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in America, is generally thought as conservative because it is orthodox on questions of Baptist faith. But alas, it is now “Woke” and a fellow-traveler with the openly Marxist Black Lives Matter. (See here, here, and here for what other authors have said about the SBC's Amnesty enthusiasm.)

          And, not coincidentally, SBC is declining in membership: “For the 13th consecutive year, the Southern Baptist Convention reported a drop in its membership” [Southern Baptist Convention continues statistical decline, Floyd calls for rethinking ACP process, Staff Reports, Baptist Press, June 4, 2023]. But the Wokeness disease isn’t likely to cure itself because stems from depraved Southern Baptist higher education.

          Thus Dr. Tom Buck, a Southern Baptist minister, has warned that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is now teaching “standpoint epistemology,” which means you can interpret the Bible the “Western way” or the “African way” [BUCK: Cancer growing in Southern Baptist Convention seminaries, Capstone Report, July 16, 2023].

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          not reporting race

          A Southern Reader Says Campaign Against Battle Flag Enabled By White Cowardice
          GOP Finally Recognizing Tech Censorship Problem—But Still Far From Acting
          whmcs7.9.2官方原版及开心版完美破解文件下载 | 搜涯博客 ...:今天 · whmcs7.9.2官方原版及开心版完美破解文件下载 发布时间:2021-06-18 13:11:49 作者:wangshenghua 阅读量:4 WHMCS是一套国外流行的域名主机管理软件,跟国内众所周知的IDCSystem一样,主要在用户管理、财务管理、域名接口、服务器管理面板接口等方面设计的非常人性化。
          Onomastic Normality: Who Would Suspect A Crazy Murder Suspect Named "Jerry Thompson" Was Black?
          Patrick J. Buchanan: As the Filibuster Goes, So Goes the GOP
          ANOTHER Black Hospital Rapist: Nigerian Referred To As "Irish Nursing Home Worker" By BBC
          Trump And Biden Net Favorability Ratings By Age, Race, Sex And Education: Trump Viewed More Favorably By Whites Young And Old
          Minneapolis Police Department Tells Citizens: "Despite All Our Efforts, Robberies May Still Occur! Do Not Argue or Fight with the Criminal. Do as They Say. Your Safety Is Most Important!"
          Mexico Now #3 in the World in Coronavirus Deaths
          Hartford "Sovereign Citizen" Jerry Thompson Is Black Man Who Decapitated White Landlord—Inspired By BLM?
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          "Social Distancing with John Derbyshire" An Interview with Michelle Malkin
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          VDARE RADIO
          VDARE Radio: California, Rat Infested Tunnel Edition
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          Radio Derb: The War on the Suburbs, Election Prospects, Barr Testifies, and Herman Cain RIP, Etc
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